How to Copy or Move Fortnite Game to a new PC or Drive/Folder

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There are many reasons to move the Fortnite game to another Drive or folder on your PC. It maybe because of low storage space or personal preference. Let’s look at the most common scenario and find out how to move your Fortnite files to another drive and folder in Windows 11 PC or in macOS.

Why do you want to move your Fortnite files?

There are two main reasons you want to move your game, either you are upgrading from HDD to SSD, or you have a low storage space in your C:\ drive. If it is the first reason, you should refer to another article on how to transfer files and apps on the new drive. However, if you are low on disk space or want to store your Epic Games installed files on another drive then follow this step-by-step guide.

How to move Fortnite to another Folder on a new Drive or PC

If you’re using Epic Fornite and want to move the install files onto another drive, you can do so by following the steps below:

  1. Take a backup of the Fortnite folder
  2. Uninstall Fortnite on Epic Games Launcher
  3. Install Fortnite on new or custom Location
  4. Cancel the Download
  5. Move the backup folder

Backup Fortnite Folder

It is important to take a backup of your already installed Fortnite files. To do so, go to the Fortnite file location C:\Program Files\Epic Games\ and right-click on the folder to copy. Paste it into another directory or drive on your PC.

Take a backup of Fortnite files from C: drive
Copying Fortnite files from C: to D: drive

In my case, I like to move Fortnite from C:\ to D:\ drive on the same PC. So, I will copy it to my D:\ drive, which is an additional NVMe SSD drive on my laptop. However, if you plan to move Fortnite to another PC, paste it on any external or detachable drive.

Uninstall Fortnite on Epic Games Launcher

After making a backup of the Fortnite installed folder, it’s time to uninstall the game. This step is important if you want to move your files to another drive on the same PC. However, if you want to copy it on a different PC, you may skip this step.

To uninstall Fornite, launch your Epic Games Launcher.
Open Epic Games Launcher on PC
Select “Library” from the left side menu.
Select Library on Epic Games Launcher
Click the game “Settings Menu” (three dots) for the sub-menu.
Click on Fortnite Settings Menu
Select “Uninstall”.
Click Uninstall on Fortnite Menu
Now click on the “Uninstall” button.
Click on Uninstall button

You have successfully uninstalled Fortnite from your C: drive. Now it’s time to re-install the game but in a different drive. However, instead of downloading the 34+ GB of files again, we will use the backup files from our D: drive.

Install Fortnite in a new PC, Drive, or Custom Location

This is the crucial step for moving Fortnite to another drive or folder. After uninstalling Fortnite, it’s time to install it again but in a custom drive and folder. To do so, follow the following steps:

Launch Epic Games app.
Open Epic Games Launcher on PC
Select “Library” on the left side of the menu.
Select Library on Again on Epic Games Launcher
Now click on “Install” under the Fortnite thumbnail.
Click on Install under Fortnite Thumbnail
Click the “Browse” button and select your drive & folder.
Click Browse on Choose install location
Now click the “Install” button.
Click Install to Download Fortnite

Cancel the Download and Close the Epic Games Launcher

After the installation begins, wait for few minutes until it downloads 1% to 2% and cancels it. Right after canceling the download, close your Epic Games launcher immediately. Here are the steps to cancel the download:

Click on the three-dots under the Fortnite thumbnail.
Click on three dots to Cancel the Fortnite Download
Select “Cancel Install” to stop the download.
Select Cancel Install under Fortnite
Now right-click on the Epic Games icon on Taskbar and select Exit.
Exit Epic Games Launcher from Taskbar

Move your backup files to the new Location

Now we have a new location for Fortnite in our D:\Installed Apps\Epic Games\, which is mostly empty since we canceled the download. It’s time for us to move or copy the backup files from the root directory of D:\ drive.

Copy the backup files to the newly installed location.
Move Fortnite Backup files to the new Location in D: drive
Restart or Relaunch Epic Games.
Open Epic Games Launcher on PC
After launching the app, select Library on the menu.
Select Library after Restarting Epic Games
Click “resume” under the thumbnail.
Click Resume button under Fortnite thumbnail
It will take a couple of minutes to verify the files. In my case, it took 2 minutes.
Epic Games Verifying Fortnite Files
After verifying the files, it will begin the installation, which takes less than 1 minute.
Epic Games Installing Fortnite in new drive
Once done, you will see the launch button.
Fortnite successfully moved to new drive

That’s it. You have successfully moved your Fortnite game from C:\ to D:\ drive. Now you are ready to play your Battle Royale. If you are planning to build a custom desktop PC, check out our best Gaming Monitor under $300 list. And of course it important to have a great headset as well, be sure to check our best Audiophile headphone for FPS gaming.


This article explains the only method to move Fortnite to another drive or folder on the same PC. However, I recommend reading Epic Games official instructions. There are some great tips for beginners and experienced players alike. I hope this article helped you to understand how to move your Epic Fornite files around with ease.

Naveed A. Khan

Being a tech enthusiast and a founder of LookGadgets Naveed loves to review and share his thoughts with his audience. Although he is a Certified Network Engineer - but his main interests are in the latest CPU, GPU, Monitors, Laptops, Internet Routers, and PC peripherals.

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