How to Transfer Discord Ownership

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Discord is a free app used by millions of people to communicate by developers and gamers via voice, video or text. Individual and communities of any size use create server on Discord to communicate with friends and teammates on daily bases. In this article we will guide you through on how to transfer discord ownership of your server to a friend or a teammate.

Most servers are private in discord; people have to invite their friends and family members to join their space to talk and spend time together. Some servers of large communities are topic-based, and people of common interest like programmers or gamers. 

Although discord is an excellent platform to keep in touch with friends, it is most probable that the server becomes slow, and people face issues when there are many people in the voice channel. Due to this reason, it is always highly recommended to kick out the inactive members from the server. For this, you must possess the Discord server or transfer its ownership or the crown to someone else.

Here we will tell you step by step to shift or transfer ownership of your discord server.

Steps to Transfer the Ownership of Discord Server

  1. To transfer your server, you need to go to your server. Press on the circular icon to go to your server.
  2. On the top left, press the server settings. Now you are in your server’s settings, and you can modify them according to your wish. 
  3. Under the User Management, press the tab of Members.
  4. In the member’s block, you have the names of your all members. It would help if you found the name of the member you want to wish server’s ownership and click on three dots on their name’s right side.
  5. Next, you will click on the big red labels to Transfer Ownership. 
  6. Now, you will verify the transfer ownership after reading the warning carefully. 
Naveed A. Khan

Being a tech enthusiast and a founder of LookGadgets Naveed loves to review and share his thoughts with his audience. Although he is a Certified Network Engineer - but his main interests are in the latest CPU, GPU, Monitors, Laptops, Internet Routers, and PC peripherals.

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